Visit somewhere new this Holiday season. It improves your critical thinking and creativity.

As the world unwinds and gravitates towards year-end holidays, let’s take the opportunity to reflect and celebrate the current year and re-sharpen our laser focus for next year. Taking a page off from reading from an article on the mental benefits of vacationing in somewhere new authored by Todd Kashdan published in Harvard Business Reviews (Kashdan, 2019), perhaps this is also a golden opportunity to interject a twist into your travel plans.

When do you create storytelling content in digital marketing?

One wonderful way to persuade and influence has been storytelling. We tend to remember and recall better when we are exposed to stories as part of storytelling. It is no surprise our emotional being connects immediately when we recall stories shared with us in our journey of life. From how my grandparents survived through world war two through working and cultivating the land when food was scarce. The story of how my eldest boy said papa or when the time he rode his bicycle successfully the first time. Stories have been known to be passed down through generations as it was advocated in biblical times when parents are commanded to write the laws of the Lord in their hearts and share these stories to the next generation for continuity.

In B2B digital Marketing, Screen Size Matters

Digital natives who are born from 1981 – 1996 in Malaysia or commonly labelled as Millennial are taking centre stage in decision making roles. According to data presented by MCMC (Malaysians Communications and Multimedia Commission), there are over 36 million mobile subscription with mobile broadband enabled in Malaysia. This represents almost 112% penetration of the total Malaysian Population. According to the statistics department of Malaysia, there will be over 35% of Malaysian population above the age 20 to 39 years old in 2020. (Statistics Department of Malaysia, 2019)

There is no silver bullet in E-commerce business in Malaysia

According to The CMO Survey conducted by Duke University sponsored by the American Marketing Association (Moorman & Kirby, 2019), online e-commerce sales remains a low 10% mix in comparsion to 90% physical stores contribution in America.